Found On A Friday - Accidentally On Purpose
Illinois born Megan Carter is a rarity among the artist I have come across on Etsy. Her work is striking and powerful, and yet she seems so unaware of just how good she really is. Her shop name says an awful lot, why else would she have named it Accidentally Good. It may be an accident, but there is no doubt about it, she is beyond "Good", Megan's work is great.
The first image I saw of her's, I came upon quite by accident. Simply titled Morte, I saw so much in this painting. I reminded me of something specific, the face was speaking to me, and how could it not. Megan has the ability to turn a few colours, well chosen, into something beyond a composition of elements, her work is deep and affecting, and it has a way of staying with you. And I must admit, it will now be staying with me, I couldn't resist her.

The above work goes by the name Jinx, again it is minimalist abstract portraiture in style, but the play of positive and negative, dark and light, makes this painting another standout. Make no mistake, you are not looking at a print, all of the work currently on sale in Megan Carter's Etsy shop is one-of-a-kind [OOAK] original work. These are not copies or silk-screened reproductions, not photographs, this is the real deal. Most original work of well known artists on Etsy sells up into the hundreds of dollars. But this is a rare opportunity for you to "get in" on the work of an artist before she hits that tipping point.
Prices range from just $30 to $80 USD, and Megan uses primarily Acryclic, and some Water Colour, on Canvas, Wood, or Canvas Pad. The image above is of Megan's work titled Tatiana features an example of a Water Colour on Paper original.
I found Gloria, the image above to have a lovely retro feel to it, it looks very Old Hollywood Glamor to me. But then, that is what I like best about Megan's work, it speaks differently to each viewer, where I see Old Hollywood, you might see something entirely different, and isn't that the point of art?
The above 9x12 Original Acrylic on Canvas Pad work, entitled Robyn is a perfect example of why you can have original artwork in your home for less than the price of most art prints. This image is a steal at just $35 USD, and illustrates perfectly why Accidentally Good is the most ironic of names for Megan's Etsy Store. Click on over to see the rest of Megan's work currently up for sale, and see what you "Accidentally" fall in love with. I found it on a Friday, but I will treasure it always.
Accidentally Good on Etsy.
Fantastic work!